Once a Tribute and Demo Site, sharing MntGoat with a non-Facebook audience. Now, just one guy's attempt to apply MntGoat's journalistic approach to reporting on the progress and legitimate news regarding the process of the revaluation of the Iraqi dinar along with an occasional opinion. Scroll down to view Posts.
MntGoat updated her Cover Photo! BREAKING HUGE: Pennsylvania Judge Rules 2020 PA Election Likely Unconstitutional — Trump Case “Likelihood to Succeed” — Gives State Legislators Power to Choose Electors!
TopMntGoatFan: I would add that each state’s legislators have the power to determine the electors under the US Constitution. It was nice of the judge to acknowledge that! 🙂
MntGoat’s Latest is another hum dinger. Where do we stand with the RV right now? I know I said this before but I have to elaborate on it again and say one more that we have NEVER been in a sweeter spot right now than maybe way back in 2012 when Dr, Shabibi was going to reinstate the dinar. However I do not think they are going to stop it this time as there is too much as stake and they are giving us way too many signals that they fully intend to do it.
MntGoat’s latest post is full of juicy goodness! – YOU and the other citizens of a FREE nation must keep the nation FREE, get involved in the govt and have constant vigilance over the people you elect to govern you. They do not have a blank slate to do what they want. They represent the will of the people. Get it? This is how a democracy works. They work for YOU! Stop voting for the idiots, do research on them first. Who is working for you? Who is implementing policies and laws to will of society, to benefit our way of life? Who creates abundance and prosperity? Who is God centered? – For Iraq dinar, what we should question is the RATE as it does not reflect the true VALUE of the dinar. It is being artificially suppressed. They do not need all this economic reforms and so on and so forth
MntGoat is laying it out in another new video, fast and furious! Please take a few minutes to watch this most current update from Rudy Giuliani on uncovering the 2020 election fraud. It will SHOCK you as to what was going on.
A new post from MntGoat! (I think I missed one earlier this week. I’ll try to post it retroactively.) Iraq is moving towards yet another attempt at a reinstatement for January 2021. Yes, here we go again. The preparations are like I have not see in prior attempts even as they are making more serious efforts. But it is still to be seen the project to delete the zeros and this project must be completed prior to any reinstatement.