2021-01-26 New Post

MntGoat’s latest newsletter. Just the facts, Ma’am.
If the reinstatement was going to happen, we would have seen an education period followed by the project to delete the zeros in December followed by the reinstatement in January. This is the process and each step takes time.
Is there still a chance to see the reinstatement any time soon?
As long as the 2021 budget is not yet opened there is a slight chance, a very slight chance, it can still happen, but I am very doubtful. This is only from a technical standpoint not a practical standpoint. There is a difference.
There is absolutely no news of any project to delete the zeros happening anytime soon.

2021-01-21 New Post

MntGoat’s latest spells it out for us.
Periodically I like to comments on comments received from my newsletters. Yes, I read every single comment. So, from the last newsletter dated Jan 19th, 2021 I noticed many concerned and I thought this a critical time to talk to you and follow up. I am compelled to answer a few questions as listed below in caps.

2021-01-20 New Post

MntGoat’s back and in fine form. But she sounds a little less optimistic for a January RV.
In today’s news there is an article from the economists that suggest they need another 2 years to build up the economy, collect these large notes, and get the majority on electronic banking. At least they gave us an update on the project to delete the zeros. Finally! But I was hoping for something more official from the CBI.

2021-01-20 Where is MntGoat?

After a couple of posts were deleted/censored-by-FB last week, I was really looking forward to MntGoat’s Latest Newsletter….but so far nothing (as of 8am, New York time). Let me know if you’ve heard anything, like maybe an alternate site?