2020-12-29 New Post

MntGoat’s Latest Newsletter is quietly optimistic for January action.
…I have reported on many news articles in the past months in my newsletters to substantiate that the CBI is, in fact, planning to reinstate the Iraqi dinar. The plan has not changed and this is a necessity. I will also add this is at the heart of the financial issues they are now facing in not doing it earlier….The IMF and the World Bank wants desperately to re-peg the dinar to a basket of currencies and out it on a FLOAT to control it better and level off it’s rate. This way the global community determines the rate and not the average citizen in Iraq who is open to rumors and speculation. They want to open the dinar up to the world and let the investors determine the rate.

2020-12-22 New Post

MntGoat’s latest post includes
Todays news is all about the recent change in the CBI selling rate of the dinar. We must try to understand just what happened and why the CBI did what they did….So, what happened and why is the CBI doing this and doing it now?The answer is a brilliant move by the new CBI governor and the explanation is multi-faceted. So, I will try my best to explain all the aspects, as told to me by my CBI contact.

2020-12-17 New Post

MntGoat has a new post!
This speculation [in-country] is essentially creating its own kind of FREE float using the program rate and not even on FOREX. This is dangerous and just the issues that economists and financial analysts warned us of. This is why the CBI cannot and will not put the dinar on a free float while on the program rate. The bottom line is this – the CBI needs to pull the trigger and complete the project to delete the zeros, then move to reinstate the dinar back on the global markets….I recommend all my readers to sit back and relax. The plan is being carried out and they fully intend to move ahead with the dinar and its currency reform. I have previously given you the details of the plan and so I will not bore you again. We all need to just relax and watch it play out.

2020-12-15 New Post

MntGoat posted today.
Everything is still on track for early Jan 2021 reinstatement. It is mid-December already and so we should witness the project to delete the zeros sooner than later. Remember that the CBI would like to have 1 to 2 weeks prior to the reinstatement in order to monitor for inflation and make corrections if needed. So we are still moving in the right direction and that is what matters.