MntGoat shared a new video. “Here we go again”
2020-11-19 New Post
A new post from MntGoat! (I think I missed one earlier this week. I’ll try to post it retroactively.)
Iraq is moving towards yet another attempt at a reinstatement for January 2021. Yes, here we go again. The preparations are like I have not see in prior attempts even as they are making more serious efforts. But it is still to be seen the project to delete the zeros and this project must be completed prior to any reinstatement.
2020-11-12 New Post
MntGoat’s Latest post is here!
– we are just waiting until the new fiscal year 2021 clock to begin and the adjustments along with the project to delete the zeros may take place.
– I keep telling everyone this is Iraq’s last chance to get it right. There will be no other time.
2020-11-11 New Video
MntGoat posted a new video today.
2020-11-10 New Post
As usual, the latest Latest MntGoat Newsletter was worth the wait. Snippets include:
– they are still on the path for early January 2021 about the time just before or after Trump is sworn in again as the second term as the 45th president
– They can’t borrow without a currency that is traded globally
– we know part of this [Iraq-China] agreement was having the ability to transfer funds easily in and out of Iraq. So are we that close to the reinstatement of the Iraqi dinar?
2020-11-09 New Video
MntGoat has created another new video!
2020-11-05 New Post
MntGoat’s latest post. Including
How is socialism going to make America great? We have see already 30 years since the early 1990’s the plot to destroy America. Please research this socialism movement for yourself. It is not a good thing.
2020-11-03 New Cover Photo
MntGoat updated her cover photo today. She adds:
Please also go read my latest newsletter on the Iraqi dinar revaluation. There is so much VERY GOOD news I can hardly sit down and relax. I am so excited.
We will see the REINSTATEMENT sooner than later.
2020-11-03 New Post….WOW NEWS!
MntGoat’s Latest Newsletter is here.
– So once again, in less than a month, the flood gates opened pouring out VERY GOOD news? WOW!
– Iraq is setting themselves up for international trade and to use their dinar. They are going to make their dinar very valuable once again as in the past
– If you like to dance you may start now because this news today is dance worthy… I am dancing now….. lol.. lol.. lol.. 😊
2020-10-31 New Video
MntGoat shared a new video set today