2021-03-23 New Post

MntGoat’s latest newsletter includes
– The result of my long conversation with the CBI is that “NO” it had not revalued to this extent, but there is a plan underway to do it by the end of the year (2021)
– …they need a strong affirmation and support by the US Treasury. They know there is corruption from the US at many levels and they need this stopped first. They are raping Iraq.

2021-03-11 New Post 2

MntGoat posted another great newsletter!
I actually spoke to a group of college students about socialism and I was asked by them- “why not give it a try”. Really? I guess your education has all been for nothing then. Who is brainwashing these kids? Needless to say I left there giving a lecture on socialism and Karl Marx

2021-03-09 New Post

MntGoat’s latest post includes
…I am told the IMF just completed a week-long high-level meeting with to finalize the project to delete the zeros and just how they plan to roll it out. Why would they do this now?… they will soon be no longer dependent on the currency auctions … They have not yet used the Buna system but are fully functional and tied into it. They are just waiting for something. What could this be? … the 2021 budget is not yet passed thus not yet opened. We could still have an opportunity to see the revaluation and reinstatement….