MntGoat posted this video on Facebook today.
2020-09-01 New Post
MntGoat posted this latest on Facebook
2020-08-27 New Post
MntGoat’s latest post is a great read!
2020-08-23 New Video with Commentary
MntGoat posted this new video and provided some discussion.
2020-08-20 New Post
MntGoat has posted this new update. Operation Legend. Kazemi visit to DC begins, agenda and commentary.
2020-08-18 New Post
Here is MntGoat’s latest.
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What I Love About MntGoat
Years ago, I came to appreciate MntGoat for two things. First, the gurus started to hate her; some even banned her from their calls and chat-rooms. She was making sense and they were often off in la-la-land. “Hope-ium” hates facts, I suppose! Second, and at the same time, she backed up everything she said. She didn’t just push an assertion, she crafted a judgement and included facts to support it, often providing links to the sources of her facts. MntGoat totally rocks!!
I am no guru, but I read alot about Iraq. Thanks to MntGoat I have had access to some websites that report on Iraq, usually from within Iraq and the Middle East. As you know from reading her posts, the Farsi-to-English translations are VERY hard to understand!!
I have recently found a resource that ‘aggregates’ news about Iraq. In addition to the usual awkwardly translated material they include a variety of English-speaking sources. That is, people writing in English for an English-speaking audience. It is no replacement for news sourced right from Iraq, but these articles often provide great perspective and context…in my language.
I invite you to check out’s Iraq page (