MntGoat brings it home with this third of 3
2021-02-04 New Video, part 2 of 3
MntGoat posted this second video.
2021-02-04 New Video, part 1 of 3
MntGoat posted this new video.
2021-02-04 New Post
MntGoat shares some thoughts.
– Can there EVER be justice again in the USA if there is a crooked news media full of propaganda? Is it time to stop it? It is time to expose and deal with all this corruption.
– Remember in December the CBI denied the GOI claims of the 1450 rate change and then later we witnessed the change anyhow.
– Do they actually support the corruption and allowing this to continue? WE know that there are many US politicians stealing Iraq blind. Is this the deep state at work in Iraq?
2021-02-02 New Post
MntGoat’s latest explains the current state of affairs.
Get the FACTS and use them as your foundation of TRUTH.
We must concentrate more on what we know for FACT not rumor or opinions or from some jackass that comes on conference calls twice or three times a week filling your with false expectations, hope and gobble goop.
Follow the FACTS (follow the money ☹)
What we know for FACT is someday very soon the Iraqi dinar reinstatement MUST happen or Iraq cannot become in the long term the great nation it has the potential to be.
2021-01-29 New Post
MntGoat’s Latest Newsletter is in!
2021-01-26 New Video (already censored)
MntGoat’s latest video was “no longer available” when I checked just now. If anyone has it or can get it, we could post it here. What a joke FB has become! Political hacks suppressing the voice of my voice!
2021-01-26 New Post
MntGoat’s latest newsletter. Just the facts, Ma’am.
If the reinstatement was going to happen, we would have seen an education period followed by the project to delete the zeros in December followed by the reinstatement in January. This is the process and each step takes time.
Is there still a chance to see the reinstatement any time soon?
As long as the 2021 budget is not yet opened there is a slight chance, a very slight chance, it can still happen, but I am very doubtful. This is only from a technical standpoint not a practical standpoint. There is a difference.
There is absolutely no news of any project to delete the zeros happening anytime soon.
2021-01-21 New Post
MntGoat’s latest spells it out for us.
Periodically I like to comments on comments received from my newsletters. Yes, I read every single comment. So, from the last newsletter dated Jan 19th, 2021 I noticed many concerned and I thought this a critical time to talk to you and follow up. I am compelled to answer a few questions as listed below in caps.
2021-01-20 New Cover Photo
MntGoat shared a lovely new cover photo.